The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

An Embedded Sensor For Monitoring File Integrity


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James P. Early

Tech report number

CERIAS TR 2001-41

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This paper describes a method of monitoring file integrity (changes in file contents) using a collection of embedded sensors within the kernel. An embedded sensor is a small piece of code designed to monitor a specific condition and report to a central logging facility. In our case, we have built several such sensors into the 4.4 BSD kernel (OpenBSD V2.7) to monitor for changes in file contents. The sensors look for files which are marked with a specific system flag in the inode. When the sensors detect a file with this flag, they will report all changes to file contents made through the file system interface. This provides administrators with a valuable audit tool and supplies more reporting granularity than conventional file system integrity checkers (such as Tripwire). Our technique relies on only two fundamental file system characteristics. First, the file system object must have a provision for storing file characteristics (i.e. flags) within the object. Secondly, the file system must present a block device interface to the operating system. We show that system performance is not severely hampered by the presence of this monitoring mechanism given the select set of files that would be monitored in a conventional system and the beneficial audit data that results from monitoring.




2002 – 1 – 1



Key alpha



Purdue University

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