The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Proposals for Combating Cyber Terrorism through Preventive Active Security


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Radu Sion, Mikhail Atallah, Sunil Prabhakar

Tech report number

CERIAS TR 2002-32

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Unfortunate recent events clarified the absolute requirement for a unified, concerted, scientifically proven strategy for combating forms of actual or potential cyber-terrorism. In this paper we present related solutions based on some of our ongoing and proposed future research in the broader areas of data and system security. More specifically we focus on preventive techniques for content and system security. In the framework of content security we discuss document tamper-proofing, watermarking and generic information hiding detection, essential tools required in the combat against attacks in the current distributed, heterogeneous, networked world. System security issues address new intrusion detection mechanisms using biometrics as well as new concepts such as "data access patterns", in the framework of structured content and "network breath" in the case of secure computer networks. Finally we present our research in the area of secure multi-party cooperation, an essential component in any inter-party contingency interaction scenario where trust issues might prevent complete cooperation. In the end we introduce some of the main conclusions and propose immediate-future research and focus points.




Purdue University

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Computer Sciences, CERIAS

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cyber-terrorism, authentication, biometrics, secure multiparty computing



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