The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Defense Science Study Group 1998-1999 - Volume 1: Papers 1-13

Entry type



Institute for Defense Analyses

Key alpha



IDA Paper P-3531

Publication Date



Paper 1 - Nanotechnology and the Department of Defense Paper 2 - Military Applications of Sensor Networks Paper 3 - Formation of a National Entity for Information Infrastructure Protection Paper 4 - Exploiting Market Realities To Address National Security's High-Performance Computing Needs Paper 5 - Limits of Performance for Distributed, Robotic Combat Vehicles Paper 6 - Evolving Autonomy: A Strategy for Development of Unmanned Vehicle Systems Paper 7 - Smart Materials Technology for the 21st Century - The Future of Modeling and Design Tools Paper 8 - The Fingerprint of Conflict, War, and Displacement: How Indelible Is It? Paper 9 - Subtle Biological Weapons Paper 10 - Detection of Biological Warfare Agents Paper 11 - Multi-Dimensional Evaluation of Biological Sensors for Force Protection Paper 12 - Chemical Weapons of Terror - A Call for Immediate Industrial Self-Regulation Paper 13 - A Overview of Scientific Integration of Chemical Warfare in the DoD (Unclassified Version)



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