The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Location Finding Algorithms for Distributed Systems


Jose Manuel Bernabeu Auban

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One of the problems encountered in distributed systems is how to find the location of the resources needed by a computation. In many situations the location may have to be found at run time, when the resource is accessed, thus the efficiency of the location algorithm will affect the performance of the system. In general, the larger the distributed system, the more the number of processors at which a resource may reside at the time it is accessed. The general problem of resource location in distributed systems has not been addressed adequately, and most of the systems have adopted ad hoc solutions without a careful study of the performance of algorithms used. In this thesis it is studied the problem of finding the location of resources in order to get a better understanding of the factors affecting the cost of a location algorithm. This study will make it possible to judge proposed algorithms as well as to come up with new ones, optimized for particular systems.


Georgia Institute of Technology

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Publication Date



1. Introduction 2. Previous Work 3. A Multicast Scheme for Local Area Networks 4. Performance Evaluation of the Multicast Scheme 5. Optimal Generalized Polling in Multicast Networks 6. Serial Search in a Store-and-Forward Network 7. A Performance Study of the Usage of Hint Tables 8. Conclusions and Future Work




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