The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

A Framework for Role-Based Access Control in Group Communication Systems


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Ninghui Li and Cristina Nita-Rotaru

Tech report number

CERIAS TR 2003-31

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In addition to basic security services such as confidentiality, integrity and data source authentication, a secure group communication system should also provide authentication of participants and access control to group resources. While considerable research has been conducted on providing confidentiality and integrity for group communication, less work focused on group access control services. In the context of group communication, specifying and enforcing access control becomes more challenging because of the dynamic and distributed nature of groups and the fault tolerance issues (i.e. withstanding process faults and network partitions). In this paper we analyze the requirements access control mechanisms must fulfill in the context of group communication and define a framework for supporting fine-grained access control in client-server group communication systems. Our framework combines role-based access control mechanisms with environment parameters (time, IP address, etc.) to provide policy support for a wide range of applications with very different requirements. While policy is defined by the application, its efficient enforcement is provided by the group communication system. %We discuss how such a framework addresses the unique needs %of group communication systems and can be supported and %enforced in an efficient manner in Spread, a publicly available %group communication system.




Purdue University

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CERIAS and Department of Computer Sciences

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