The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

RTML: A Role-based Trust-management Markup Language


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Ninghui Li, John C. Mitchell, William H. Winsborough, Kent E. Seamons, Michael Halcrow, and Jared Jacobson

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CERIAS TR 2004-03

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We present RTML version 1, a Role-based Trust-management Markup Language, which is an XML-based data representation of the RT framework. RTML extends the original design of RT, adding the following features: new data types to encode permissions involving structured resources and ranges, restrictive inheritance of roles for flexible refinement of permissions, and notions of identity roles and identity-based roles to address the issue of enforcing Separation of Duty policies when a physical user holds multiple keys. RTML enables the deployment of the RT framework. Compared with systems like SPKI/SDSI and KeyNote, it has the following distinguishing features. RTML is designed with a logic-based semantics foundation. RTML directly addresses the issue of vocabulary agreement and uses strongly typed credentials, help reducing potential errors in writing credentials and unintended interactions among credentials. RTML supports more flexible delegation, including the ability to delegate to principals that have certain properties and to control the scope of a delegation. RTML also supports Separation of Duty in a more expressive way.




Purdue University

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Purdue University, Stanford University, George Mason University, Brigham Young University

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