The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

An Authorization Model For Geographical Maps


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A. Belussi, E.Bertino, B.Catania, M.L. Damiani, A.Nucita

Tech report number

CERIAS TR 2004-23

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Access control is an important component of any database management system. Several access control models have been proposed for conventional databases. However, these models do not seem adequate for geographical databases, due to the peculiarities of geographical data. Previous work on access control models for geographical data mainly concerns raster maps (images). In this paper, we present a discretionary access control model for geographical maps. We assume that each map is composed of a set of features. Each feature is represented in one or more maps by spatial objects, described by means of different spatial properties: geometrical properties, describing the shape, extension and location of the objects composing the map, and topological properties, describing the topological relationships existing among spatial objects. The proposed access control model allows the security administrator to define authorizations against map objects at a very fine granularity level, taking into account the various spatial representations and the object dimension. The model also supports both positive and negative authorizations as well as different propagation rules that make access control very flexible.



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University of Verona, CERIAS and Purdue University, University of Genova, University of Milano

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