The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Channel Access and Synchronization Attacks Against MAC Protocols in Wireless Networks


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Gunjan Khanna, Ammar Masood, Cristina Nita Rotaru

Tech report number

CERIAS TR 2005-61

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The 802.11 standard specifies mechanisms for channel access, data delivery, authentication and privacy for wireless communication. The standard makes no provisions for faulty, selfish or malicious behavior assuming that nodes always act according to the specifications of the protocol. Thus, nodes running defective protocol implementations, misconfigured, or compromised can potentially cause significant disruption in the network. In this paper we present an analysis of channel access denial of service attacks against 802.11b. We demonstrate the attacks through simulation and analyze them by considering the effect of multiple attackers, their relative positioning and the influence of the choice of high level protocols. In addition, we identify and describe new attacks against the beacon-based synchronization mechanism used for channel access and by the power saving mode in 802.11a, b, and g. We provide simulation results that demonstrate their feasibility and analyze them considering the attacker's effort versus the induced damage and effect on other protocols and services. Finally, we propose and discuss mitigation techniques for all the above attacks, demonstrating the efficacy of several of them through simulations.




2005 – 05 – 01


Purdue University

Key alpha



Purdue University


ECE, ECE, and Computer Science Department

Publication Date



Addressing MAC based attacks in Wireless Networks.

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