The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Kernel Structures for Clouds


Eugene H. Spafford; Martin S. McKendry

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This paper is intended to be an introduction to the internal structurs of the Clouds kernel. We will be constructing an experimental Clouds system during the next few years using dedicated minicomputers and personal computers. Further description of the Clouds kernel will be done as this experimental system continues to be designed and constructed.

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Georgia Institute of Technology

Publication Date



1. Introduction 2. Basic Assumptions 3. Objects 4. Processes and Actions 5. Virtual Memory 6. Secondary Storage, Patitions and the Segment System 7. Network Communications and RPC 8. Object Searching and Invocation 9. Kernel Interface 10. Conclusion 11. References


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Kernel Structures for Clouds

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