The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Security for Web Services - Standards and Research Issues


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L. D. Martino, E. Bertino

Tech report number

CERIAS TR 2006-34

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This paper identifies the main security requirements for Web services and it describes how such security requirements are ad- dressed by standards for Web services security recently developed or under development by various standardizations bodies. Standards are reviewed according to a conceptual framework that groups them by the main functionalities they provide. Standards that are covered include most of the standards encompassed by the WSS roadmap [2]; the Secu- rity Assertion Markup Language -SAML-, WS-Policy, XACML, that is related to access control and has been recently extended with a profile for Web services access control; XKMS and WS-Trust; WS-Federation, LibertyAlliance and Shibboleth, that address the important problem of identity management in federated organizations. Finally, issues related to the use of the standards are discussed and open research issues in the area of access control for Web services and innovative digital identity management techniques are outlined.



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L. D. Martino


Department of Computer Technology, Department of CS


Purdue University

Publication Date


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