The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Host Integrity Protection Through Usable Non-discretionary Access Control


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Ninghui Li, Ziqing Mao, Hong Chen

Tech report number

CERIAS TR 2006-38

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Existing non-discretionary access control systems (such as Security Enhanced Linux) are difficult to use by ordinary users. We identify several principles for designing usable access control system and introduce the Host Integrity Protection Policy (HIPP) model that adds usable non-discretionary access control to operating systems. The HIPP model is designed to defend against attacks targeting network server and client programs and to protect the system from careless mistakes users might make. It aims at not breaking existing applications or existing ways of using and administering systems. HIPP has several novel features to achieve these goals. For example, it supports several types of partially trusted programs to support common system administration practices. Furthermore, rather than requiring file labeling, it uses information in the existing discretionary access control mechanism for non-discretionary access control. We also discuss our implementation of the HIPP model for Linux using the Linux Security Modules framework, as well as our evaluation results.




2007 – 02 – 01

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Purdue University

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