The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Temporal Synchronization in Video Watermarking: Further Studies


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Eugene T. Lin and Edward J. Delp

Tech report number

CERIAS TR 2003-41

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In [1], we proposed a technique or protocol for efficient temporal synchronization of video watermarks. Our technique is based on constructing a watermark with temporal redundancy, which allows the detector to efficiently establish and maintain synchronization without performing extensive search or explicit template signal embedding. In this paper, we describe several enhancements to our technique. A new class of key generators is presented which uses a cryptographic hash function to define the set of states and the state transition function of the finite state machine (FSM). In addition to the very large number of states and key-dependent state transition functions, which enhance security, the new class of key generators allows a limited degree of randomization. This randomization can take the form of multiple start states in the FSM, or by randomized state transitions. The non-deterministic behavior of a randomized FSM requires the detector to perform more search, but also makes the key sequence less predictable and improves security. We also describe a new method for temporal redundancy control which adaptively changes the watermark key based on the characteristics of the video. This new strategy prevents a loss of temporal redundancy (which leads to a loss of robustness) which can occur using the earlier na




2003 – 01


Proceedings of the SPIE/IS&T Conference on Security and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents

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Purdue University

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