The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis


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S. Tallam, C. Tian, X. Zhang, and R. Gupta

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Debugging long running multithreaded programs is a very challenging problem when using tracing-based analyses. Since such programs are non-deterministic, reproducing the bug is non-trivial and generating and inspecting traces for long running programs can be prohibitively expensive. We propose a framework in which, to overcome the problem of bug reproducibility, a lightweight logging technique is used to log the events during the original execution. When a bug is encountered, it is reproduced using the generated log and during the replay, a fine-grained tracing technique is employed to collect control-flow/dependence traces that are then used to locate the root cause of the bug. In this paper, we address the key challenges resulting due to tracing, that is, the prohibitively high expense of collecting traces and the significant burden on the user who must examine the large amount of trace information to locate the bug in a long-running multithreaded program. These challenges are addressed through execution reduction that realizes a combination of logging and tracing such that traces collected contain only the execution information from those regions of threads that are relevant to the fault. This approach is highly effective because we observe that for long running multithreaded programs, many threads that execute are irrelevant to the fault. Hence, these threads need not be replayed and traced when trying to reproduce the bug. We develop a novel lightweight scheme that identifies such threads by observing all the interthread data dependences and removes their execution footprint in the replay run. In addition, we identify regions of thread executions that need not be replayed or, if they must be replayed, we determine if they need not be traced. Following execution reduction, the replayed execution takes lesser time to run and it produces a much smaller trace than the original execution. Thus, the cost of collecting traces and the effort of examining the traces to locate the fault are greatly reduced.




2007 – 07

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software engineering, program analysis, security


The University of Arizona, Purdue

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logging. checkpointing. tracing. execution reduction.

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