The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

A Black-box Router Profiler


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Roman Chertov, Sonia Fahmy, Ness B. Shroff

Tech report number

CERIAS TR 2007-74

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Simulation, emulation, and wide-area testbeds exhibit differ- ent strengths and weaknesses with respect to fidelity, scalability, and man- ageability. Fidelity is a key concern since simulation or emulation inaccura- cies can lead to a dramatic and qualitative impact on the results. For exam- ple, high-bandwidth denial of service attack floods of the same rates have very different impact on the different platforms, even if the experimental scenario is supposedly identical. This is because many popular simulation and emulation environments fail to account for realistic commercial router behaviors, and incorrect results have been reported based on experiments conducted in these environments. In this paper, we describe the architecture of a black-box router profil- ing tool which integrates the popular ns-2 simulator with the Click mod- ular router and a modified network driver. We use this profiler to collect measurements on a Cisco router. Our preliminary results demonstrate that routers and other forwarding devices cannot be modeled as simple output port queues, even if correct rate limits are observed. We discuss our fu- ture work plans for using our data to create high-fidelity networksimula-tion/emulation models that are not computationally prohibitive.




2007 – 05

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Purdue University

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