The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Emulation versus Simulation: A Case Study of TCP-Targeted Denial of Service Attacks


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R. Chertov, S. Fahmy, N. B. Shroff

Tech report number

CERIAS TR 2007-76

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In this paper, we investigate the applicability of simulation and emulation for denial of service (DoS) attack experimentation. As a case study, we consider low-rate TCP-targeted DoS attacks. We design con- structs and tools for emulation testbeds to achieve a level of control com- parable to simulation tools. Through a careful sensitivity analysis, we ex- pose difficulties in obtaining meaningful measurements from the DETER and Emulab testbeds with default system settings, and find dramatic differ- ences between simulation and emulation results for DoS experiments. Our results also reveal that software routers such as Click provide a flexible ex- perimental platform, but require understanding and manipulation of the underlying network device drivers. We compare simulation and testbed re- sults to a simple analytical model for predicting the average size of the con- gestion window of a TCP flow under a low-rate TCP-targeted attack, as a function of the DoS attack frequency. We find that the analytical model and ns-2 simulations closely match in typical scenarios. Our results also illus- trate that TCP-targeted attacks can be effective even when the attack fre- quency is not tuned to the retransmission timeout. The router type, router buffer size, attack pulse length, attack packet size, and attacker location have a significant impact on the effectiveness and stealthiness of the attack.




2006 – 04

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Purdue University

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