The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Using Relational Knowledge Discovery


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Jennifer Neville, John Komoroske, Kelly Palmer, David Jensen

Tech report number

CERIAS TR 2007-82

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We describe an application of relational knowledge discov- ery to a key regulatory mission of the National Associa- tion of Securities Dealers (NASD). NASD is the world’s largest private-sector securities regulator, with responsibil- ity for preventing and discovering misconduct among secu- rities brokers. Our goal was to help focus NASD’s limited regulatory resources on the brokers who are most likely to engage in securities violations. Using statistical relational learning algorithms, we developed models that rank brokers with respect to the probability that they would commit a serious violation of securities regulations in the near future. Our models incorporate organizational relationships among brokers (e.g., past coworker), which domain experts consider important but have not been easily used before now. The learned models were sub jected to an extensive evaluation using more than 18 months of data unseen by the model developers and comprising over two person weeks of effort by NASD staff. Model predictions were found to correlate highly with the sub jective evaluations of experienced NASD examiners. Furthermore, in all performance measures, our models performed as well as or better than the handcrafted rules that are currently in use at NASD.



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Purdue University

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