The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

On Peer-to-Peer Media Streaming


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D Xu, M Hefeeda, S Hambrusch, B Bhargava

Tech report number

CERIAS TR 2002-58

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In this paper, we study a peer-to-peer media streaming system with the following characteristics: (1) its streaming capacity grows dynamically; (2) peers do not exhibit server-like behavior; (3) peers are heterogeneous in their bandwidth contribution; and (4) each streaming session may involve multiple supplying peers. Based on these characteristics, we investigate two problems: (1) how to assign media data to multiple supplying peers in one streaming session and (2) how to quickly amplify the system's total streaming capacity. Our solution to the first problem is an optimal media data assignment algorithm OTS/sub p2p/, which results in minimum buffering delay in the consequent streaming session. Our solution to the second problem is a distributed differentiated admission control protocol DAC/sub p2p/. By differentiating between requesting peers with different outbound bandwidth, DAC/sub p2p/ achieves fast system capacity amplification; benefits all requesting peers in admission rate, waiting time, and buffering delay; and creates an incentive for peers to offer their truly available out-bound bandwidth.




2002 – 07

Key alpha



n Proceedings of IEEE ICDCS'02, Vienna, Austria

Publication Date


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