The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Value at Risk: A methodology for Information Security Risk Assessment


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J Rees, J Jaisingh

Tech report number

CERIAS TR 2001-127

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This paper presents Value at Risk (VAR), a new methodology for Information Security Risk Assessment. VAR summarizes the worst loss due to a security breach over a target horizon, with a given level of confidence. More formally, VAR describes the quantile of the projected distribution of losses over a given time period. Most of the tools that are used for ISEC risk assessment are qualitative in nature and are not grounded in theory. VAR is a useful tool in the hands of an ISEC expert as it provides a theoretically based, quantitative measure of information security risk. Using this measure of risk, the best possible balance between risk and cost of providing security can be achieved. Most organizations, especially those heavily invested in eBusiness, already have determined the acceptable level of risk. The dollar amount of this risk is then computed. When the total VAR of an organization exceeds this amount, the organization is alerted to the fact that an increased security investment is required.




2001 – 11

Key alpha



Proceedings from the INFORMS Conference on Information Systems and Technology 2001, Miami, FL

Publication Date


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