The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

SINA: scalable incremental processing of continuous queries in spatio-temporal databases


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MF Mokbel, X Xiong, WG Aref

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This paper intoduces the Scalable INcremental hash-based Algorithm (SINA, for short); a new algorithm for evaluting a set of concurrent continuous spatio-temporal queries. SINA is designed with two goals in mind: (1) Scalability in terms of the number of concurrent continuous spatio-temporal queries, and (2) Incremental evaluation of continyous spatio-temporal queries. SINA achieves scalability by empolying a shared execution paradigm where the execution of continuous spatio-temporal queries is abstracted as a spatial join between a set of moving objects and a set of moving queries. Incremental evaluation is achived by computing only the updates of the previously reported answer. We introduce two types of updaes, namely positive and negative updates. Positive or negative updates indicate that a certain object should be added to or removed from the previously reported answer, respectively. SINA manages the computation of postive and negative updates via three phases: the hashing phase, the invalidation phase, and the joining phase. the hashing phase employs an in-memory hash-based join algorithm that results in a set a positive upldates. The invalidation phase is triggered every T seconds or when the memory is fully occupied to produce a set of negative updates. Finally, the joining phase is triggered by the end of the invalidation phase to produce a set of both positive and negative updates that result from joining in-memory data with in-disk data. Experimental results show that SINA is scalable and is more efficient than other index-based spatio-temporal algorithms.






Proceedings of the 2004 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of data


International Conference on Management of Data

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