The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Adaptive motion-compensated video coding scheme towards content-based bit rate allocation


J Fan, DKY Yau, WG Aref, A Rezgui

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An adaptive motion-compensated video coding scheme, that is based on structural video component segmentation and coding complexity analysis, is proposed in this paper. The bits are allocated more efficiently among different frame types and variant video components. A novel scene cut detection algorithm is proposed for partitioning the input video sequences into a set of shots and each shot may be encoded as one or multiple GOPs according to its length. Moreover, the positions of the reference frames (I and P frames) in a video shot are adapted to improve the temporal predictability among frames and provide high coding efficiency, thus high picture quality with the same bit rate. More bits are allocated for these reference frames for providing high quality of the reconstructed pictures. The residue frames in a video shot are encoded as the bidirectional interpolation frames (B frames) and can be also quantized more coarsely because they have high temporal predictability and are not used as references. The bits, that have been allocated for the three different frame types (I, P, B frames), can be further distributed more efficiently among variant video components to avoid the coding artifacts. Experimental results show that this proposed adaptive video coding scheme is more efficient than the traditional fixed GOP coding algorithms and may be an efficient development of the present adaptive coding techniques. ©2000 SPIE and IS&T.


2000 – 10


Journal of Electronic Imaging

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