The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Disk Scheduling in Video Editing Systems


WG Aref, I Kamel, S Ghandeharizadeh

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Modern video servers support both video-on-demand and nonlinear editing applications. Video-on-demand servers enable the user to view video clips or movies from a video database, while nonlinear editing systems enable the user to manipulate the content of the video database. Applications such as video and news editing systems require that the underlying storage server be able to concurrently record live broadcast information, modify prerecorded data, and broadcast an authored presentation. A multimedia storage server that efficiently supports such a diverse group of activities constitutes the focus of this study. A novel real-time disk scheduling algorithm is presented that treats both read and write requests in a homogeneous manner in order to ensure that their deadlines are met. Due to real-time demands of movie viewing, read requests have to be fulfilled within certain deadlines; otherwise, they are considered lost. Since the data to be written into disk is stored in main memory buffers, write requests can be postponed until critical read requests are processed. However, write requests still have to be processed within reasonable delays and without the possibility of indefinite postponement. This is due to the physical constraint of the limited size of the main memory write buffers. The new algorithm schedules both read and write requests appropriately, to minimize the amount of disk reads that do not meet their presentation deadlines, and to avoid indefinite postponement and large buffer sizes in the case of disk writes. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm offers low violations of read deadlines, reduces waiting time for lower priority disk requests, and improves the throughput of the storage server by enhancing the utilization of available disk bandwidth.




IEEE Transactions on knowledge and data engineering

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