The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Scalable QoS-aware disk-scheduling


WG Aref, K El-Bassyouni, I Kamel, MF Mokbel

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A new quality of service (QoS) aware disk scheduling algorithm is presented. It is applicable in environments where data requests arrive with different QoS requirements such as real-time deadline, and user priority. Previous work on disk scheduling has focused on optimizing the seek times and/or meeting the real-time deadlines. A unified framework for QoS disk scheduling is presented that scales with the number of scheduling parameters. The general idea is based on modeling the disk scheduler requests as points in the multi-dimensional space, where each of the dimensions represents one of the parameters (e.g., one dimension represents the request deadline, another represents the disk cylinder number and a third dimension represents the priority of the request, etc.). Then the disk scheduling problem reduces to the problem of finding a linear order to traverse these multi-dimensional points. Space-filling curves are adopted to define a linear order for sorting and scheduling objects that lie in the multi-dimensional space. This generalizes the one-dimensional disk scheduling algorithms (e.g., EDF SATF, FIFO). Several techniques are presented to show how a QoS-aware disk scheduler deals with the progressive arrival of requests over time. Simulation experiments are presented to show a comparison of the alternative techniques and to demonstrate the scalability of the proposed QoS-aware disk scheduling algorithm over other traditional approaches.




Database Engineering and Applications Symposium, 2002. Proceedings. International

Key alpha



256- 265

Publication Date


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