The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Making access control more usable


Elisa Bertino, Trent Jaeger, Jonathan Moffett, Slyvia Osborn, Ravi Ravi

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Scope: a variety of things are expressed under the heading of access control: permission assignments, constraints, activations, transition, hierarchies, ect. What things really need to be expressed?Concepts: What modeling concepts are available to express these things? Where are we in understanding the usability of these models?Complexity-flexibility tradeoff: How do we make trade-offs between the flexibility of [removed]expressive power) and applying more usable concepts? Can this be measured?Domain specificity: Improving ease of use often involves increasing the level of the specification using domain-specific techniques. What techniques are possible? How can we compare teh effectiveness of these techniques?Composition: How can the modularity of access control policies be leveraged? Is there any modularity?Completeness: How do we integrate access control effectively with support for audit and intrusion detection?




Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies. Proceedings of the seventh ACM symposium on Access control models and technologies

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Purdue University

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