The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

DDoS Benchmarks and Experimenter's Workbench for the DETER Testbed


J. Mirkovic, Songjie Wei, A. Hussain, B. Wilson, R. Thomas, S. Schwab, S. Fahmy, R. Chertov, P. Reiner

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While the DETER testbed provides a safe environment and basic tools for security experimentation, researchers face a significant challenge in assembling the testbed pieces and tools into realistic and complete experimental scenarios. In this paper, we describe our work on developing a set of sampled and comprehensive benchmark scenarios, and a workbench for experiments involving denial-of-service (DoS) attacks. The benchmark scenarios are developed by sampling features of attacks, legitimate traffic and topologies from the real Internet. We have also developed a measure of DoS impact on network services to evaluate the severity of an attack and the effectiveness of a proposed defense. The benchmarks are integrated with the testbed via the experimenter's workbench - a collection of traffic generation tools, topology and defense library, experiment control scripts and a graphical user interface. Benchmark scenarios provide inputs to the workbench, bypassing the user's selection of topology and traffic settings, and leaving her only with the task of selecting a defense, its configuration and deployment points. Jointly, the benchmarks and the experimenter's workbench provide an easy, point-and-click environment for DoS experimentation and defense testing.


2007 – 05 – 21


Testbeds and Research Infrastructure for the Development of Networks and Communities, 2007. TridentCom 2007. 3rd International Conference on

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