The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

DDoS Attacks by Subverting Membership Management in P2P Systems


Xin Sun, Ruben Torres, Sanjay Rao

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We show that malicious participants in a peer-to-peer system can subvert its membership management mechanisms to create large-scale DDoS attacks on nodes not even part of the overlay system. The attacks exploit many fundamental design choices made by peer-to-peer system designers such as (i) use of push-based mechanisms; (ii) use of distinct logical identifier (e.g. IDs in a DHT) corresponding to the same physical identifier (e.g., IP address), typically to handle hosts behind NATs; and (iii) inadequate or poorly designed mechanisms to validate membership information. We demonstrate the significance of the attacks in the context of mature and extensively deployed peer-to-peer systems with representative and contrasting membership management algorithms - DHT-based Kad and gossip-based ESM.


2007 – 10 – 16

Key alpha


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