The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Status Report on Cyber Critical Infrastructure Protection Involving the Bulk-Power Grid System


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Marianne Hoebich

Tech report number

CERIAS TR 2008-16

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This research report provides a historical perspective on key developments in cyber critical infrastructure protection efforts to secure the bulkpower grid system. It is important to understand the past so future efforts can benefit from the knowledge gained from past experiences. The research examines 21 key developments that occur from 1997 to 2008. The developments are sorted into three groups: DHS (represents public sector), NERC (representing the private sector), and FERC (regulatory function). The developments within each group are then analyzed to identify what prior developments contributed to later developments. The main underlying theme in each group is also examined to identify potential issues that hinder cyber critical infrastructure protection efforts. The results of this research show that some progress has been made by the combined efforts of NERC and FERC. The DHS has produced plans but has been unable to effectively implement those plans. The three main issues that were identified are the impact of economics, major power outages, and the ineffective partnership efforts between the DHS and the private entities within the electricity sector. These issues will need to be solved in the future so cyber critical infrastructure protection for the bulk-power grid system can proceed.




2008 – 4 – 27


Purdue University

Key alpha

power grid, cyber security, critial infrastructure protection, NERC, FERC, DHS, Marianne Hoebich



Publication Date



A hard-copy of this is in REC 216

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