The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Multi-Aspect Profiling of Kernel Rootkit Behavior


Ryan Riley, Xuxian Jiang, and Dongyan Xu

Tech report number

CERIAS TR 2008-24

Entry type



Kernel rootkits, malicious software designed to compromise a running operating system kernel, are difficult to profile due to the variety and complexity of their attacks as well as the privilege level at which they run. However, an accurate profile of a kernel rootkit can be greatly helpful in developing cost-effective rootkit defense solutions. In this paper we present PoKeR, a kernel rootkit profiler capable of producing multi-aspect rootkit profiles which include the extraction of kernel rootkit code, the revelation of rootkit hooking behavior, the determination of targeted kernel objects (both static and dynamic), as well as the assessment of user-level impacts. The evaluation results with a number of real-world rootkits show that PoKeR is able to accurately profile a variety of rootkits ranging from traditional ones with system call hooking to more advanced ones with direct kernel object manipulation. The obtained profiles lead to unique insights into the rootkits' characteristics.


2010 – 1 – 1

Key alpha


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