The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Adaptive Management of Multigranular Spatio-Temporal Object Attributes


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Elena Camossi, Elisa Bertino, Giovanna Guerrini, Michela Bertolotto

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CERIAS TR 2009-05

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In applications involving spatio-temporal modelling, granularities of data may have to adapt according to the evolving semantics and significance of data. To address such a problem, in this paper we define ST2_ODMGe, a multigranular spatio-temporal model supporting evolutions, which encompass the dynamic adaptation of attribute granularities, and the deletion of attribute values. Evolutions are specified as Event - Condition - Action rules and are performed at run-time. The event, the condition and the action may refer to a period of time and a geographical area. Periodic evolutions may be specified, referring to both transaction and valid time dimensions. The evolution may also be constrained by the attribute values. Evolutions greatly enhance exibility in multigranular spatio-temporal data handling but require revisiting the notion of object consistency with respect to class definitions and access to multigranular object values.




2009 – 4 – 8

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