The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Efficient and Selective Publishing of Hierarchically Structured Data


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Mohamed Nabeel, Elisa Bertino

Tech report number

CERIAS TR 2009-13

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Hierarchical data models (e.g. XML, Oslo) are an ideal data exchange format to facilitate ever increasing data sharing needs among enterprises, organizations as well as general users. However, building efficient and scalable Event Driven Systems (EDS) for selectively disseminating such data remains largely an unsolved problem to date. In general, an EDS has three distinct parties - Content Publishers ({pubs}), Content Brokers ({bs}), Subscribers ({subs}) - working in a highly decoupled Publish-Subscribe (PS) model. With a large Subscriber base having different interests and many documents ({docs}), the deficiency in existing such systems lies in the techniques used to distribute (match/filter and forward) content from pubs to subs through {bs}. Thus, we propose an efficient and scalable approach to selectively distribute different subtrees of possibly large documents, which have access control restrictions, to different $U_i$'s $in$ subs by exploiting the hierarchical structure of those documents. A novelty of our approach is that we map subscription routing tables in bs to efficient tree data structures in order to perform matching and other commonly used operations efficiently. bs form a DAG consisting of multiple trees from pubs to {subs}. Along with our simple but adequate subscription language, our proposed approach combines policy-driven covering and merging based routing to dramatically reduce the load towards the root of the distribution trees leading to a scalable system. The experimental results clearly reinforce our claims.




2009 – 5 – 31


Purdue University

Key alpha

Selective Publishing, XML, Publish-Subscribe, Routing


Computer Science


Graduate Student (first author), Professor (second author)

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