The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Broadcast Group Key Management with Access Control Vectors


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Ning Shang, Mohamed Nabeel, Elisa Bertino, Xukai Zou

Tech report number

CERIAS TR 2010-03

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Secure collaborative applications currently enabled by the Internet need flexible and efficient mechanisms for managing and distributing group keys. The secure transmission of information among collaborating users should be efficient as well as flexible in order to support access control models with different granularity levels for different kinds of applications such as secure group communication, secure dynamic conferencing, and selective/hierarchical access control disseminated information. In this paper, we propose the first provably secure broadcast Group Key Management (BGKM) scheme where each user in a group shares a secret with the trusted key server and the subsequent rekeying for join or departure of users requires only one broadcast message. Our scheme satisfies all the requirements laid down for an effective GKM scheme and requires no change to secret shares existing users possess. We analyze the security of our BGKM scheme and compare it with the existing BGKM schemes which are mostly ad-hoc.




2010 – 4 – 5


Department of Computer Science

Key alpha



Purdue University

Publication Date


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