The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Privacy-aware Role-Based Access Control


Qun Ni

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Current proposals for access control languages cannot specify policies required by specific application scenarios (e.g. a database system to enforce privacy regulations), may also contain design flaws, and are incompatible. In this dissertation, we extend RBAC with new components to meet requirements from privacy-aware access control which is required to enforce privacy laws and regulations in organizational computing environments. We propose an access control language for provenance access control which re- quires aggregating access decisions from different sources and controlling the access to different sections of provenance information. We investigate various problems in risk-based access control. Risk-based access control is particularly useful for making access decisions in an emergency. Sub jects without sufficient privilege in an emergency have to be given authorization to access sensitive information in different ways, based on their risk estimations. We also identify design flaws in representative proposals, e.g. XACML, and present corresponding solutions. We finally propose an extensible functional access control language that com- bines the benefits of XACML and RBAC without their drawbacks. The language is attribute-based and context-centric and supports sophisticated error handling and flexible decision aggregation methods. We also show the language is able to meet requirements from all specific application domains discussed in this dissertation.


2010 – 5 – 1

Key alpha


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