The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

A Practical and Flexible Key Management Mechanism For Trusted Collaborative Computing


Xukai Zou

Tech report number

CERIAS TR 2008-33

Entry type



Trusted collaborative computing (TCC) is a new research and application paradigm. Two important challenges in such a context are represented by secure information transmission among the collaborating parties and selective differentiated access to data among members of collaborating groups. Addressing such challenges requires, among other things, developing techniques for secure group communication (SGQ), secure dynamic conferencing (SDC), differential access control (DIF-AC), and hierarchical access control (HAC). Cryptography and key management have been intensively investigated and widely applied in order to secure information. However, there is a lack of key management mechanisms which are general and flexible enough to address all requirements arising from information transmission and data access. This paper proposes the first holistic group key management scheme which can directly support all these functions yet retain efficiency. The proposed scheme is based on the innovative concept of access control polynomial (ACP) that can efficiently and effectively support full dynamics, flexible access control with fine-tuned granularity, and anonymity. The new scheme is immune from various attacks from both external and internal malicious parties.


2008 – 4 – 18

Key alpha


Publication Date


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