The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Increasing Security Effectiveness in IT Enabled Products Using Balanced Scorecard Framework


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Anurag Jain

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CERIAS TR 2010-28

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IT enabled products are the result of a fusion of IT with the core functionalities of any product or device around us. This fusion is leading to numerous benefits and advantages that are just beginning to appear. However, with the increasing number and sophistication of vulnerabilities and threats in IT, the IT enabled products have also come in the line of fire. Due to the critical and diverse nature of these products, it is important that a holistic security framework exists that addresses security in the early phases of product development. The current state of security in IT enabled products strongly suggests this need along with the efforts of industry leaders in respective fields. In this thesis, the author has made an effort to address security in the IT enabled products by proposing a new framework based on the Balanced Scorecard. The proposed framework uses the concept of the four views and other characteristics of the Balanced Scorecard and it has a strong focus on security. The proposed framework has been evaluated by Prof. James E. Goldman; the chair of this thesis committee and its application has also been demonstrated to one of the discussed case examples of security failures. From this research, it has been concluded that the proposed framework can indeed effectively address security in the IT enabled products.




2010 – 8 – 1

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