The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Next-generation Intrusion Detection Expert System (NIDES) - a summary


Debra Anderson,Thane Frivold,Alfonso Valdes

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Exsisting security mechanisms protect computers and networks from unauthorized use through access controls, such as passwords. However, if these access controls are compromised or can be bypassed, an abuser may gain unauthorized access an thus can cause great damage and disruption to systems operation. Modes of protection can be devised against this, however, an intruder is likely to exhibit behavior patterns different than that of a legitimate user. While many systems collect audit data, most do not have any capability for automated analysis of that data. Moreover, those that do collect audit data generally collect large volumes of data that are not necessarily security relevant. Thus, for security analysis, a security officer (SO) must wade through stacks of printed output of audit data. Thus, the capability for automated security analysis of audit trails is needed. The Next-generation Intrusion-Detection Expert System (NIDES) is the result of research that started in the Computer Science Laboratory at SRI International in the early 1980's and led to a series of increaslingly sophisticated prototypes that resulted in the current NIDES Beta release. The current version, described in this final report and in greater detail in [1,2,3], is designed to operate in real time to detect instruions as they occur. NIDES is a comprehensive system that uses innovative statistical algorithms for anomaly detection, as well as an expert system that encodes known intrusion scenarios.


1995 – May


Menlo Park, CA 94025-3493


SRI International

Key alpha



This report was prepared for the Department of the Navy, Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command, under Contract N00039-92-C-0015



Publication Date



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