The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

KryptoKnight - Authentication and Key Distribution System


Refik Molva,Gene Tsudik,Els Van Herreweghen,Stefano Zatti

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This paper describes KryptoKnight, an authentication and key distribution system that provides facilities for secure communication in any type of network environment. KryptoKnight was designed with the goal of providing network secuity services with a high degree of compactness and flexibility. Message compactness of KryptoKnight's protocols allows it to secure the communication protocols at any layer, without requiring any major protocol augmentations in order to accommodate security-related information. Moreover, since KryptoKnight avoids the use of bulk encryption it is easily exportable. Owing to its architechtural flexibility, KryptoKnight functions at both endpoints oc communication can perform different security tasks depending on the network configuration. These and other novel features make KryptoKnight an attractive solution for provideing security services to existing applications irrespective of the protocol layer, network configuration of communication paradigm.

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