The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

An Empirical Study of COBOL Programs Via a Style Analyzer: The Benefits of Good Programming Style


Alan C. Benander,Barbara A. Benander

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Despite its prominence as the most widely used programing language in industry, there are only a small number of publications on software metrics applied to COBOL. COBSTYLE, a one-pass, line-by line style analyzer, written in PL/I, is used to analyze 638 COBOL programs. COBSTYLE differs from other style analyzers in that it assesses penalty points for abuses in style, and considers to a larger degree, overall program structure. Mean style scores for 23 style characteristics are obtained. The data produced by COBSTYLE, together with programmer efficiency data, are stat- istically analyzed, yielding results which empirically demonstrate the benefits of good programming style. COBSTYLE, scores are shown to have statistically significant correlations with the following: (a) overall performance (as measured by students' final course grade)- at the 0.005 significance level; (b) program correctness- at the 0.01 significance level; and (c) total debugging time - at the 0.05 significance level. An important aspect of this study is the "after-the-fact" nature of the methodology; i.e., none of the participants in this experiment were aware that the programs to be submitted to a style analyzer for analysis.




Cleveland, OH 44115


Elsevier Science Publishing Co. Inc.


The Journal of Systems and Software

Key alpha




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