Mikhail Atallah - CERIAS /Purdue CS Department
Students: Fall 2024, unless noted otherwise, sessions will be virtual on Zoom.
Secure Multi-Party Computational Geometry
Feb 13, 2002
The general secure multi-party computation problem is when multiple parties (say, Alice and Bob) each have private data (respectively, a and b) and seek to compute some function f(a,b) without revealing to each other anything unintended (i.e., anything other than what can be inferred from knowing f(a,b)). It is well known that, in theory, the general secure multi-party computation problem is solvable using circuit evaluation protocols. While this approach is appealing in its generality, the communication complexity of the resulting protocols depend on the size of the circuit that expresses the functionality to be computed. Using the solutions derived from these general results to solve specific problems is typically quite impractical; problem-specific solutions should be developed, for efficiency reasons. We give simple solutions to some geometric problems, and in doing so we develop some building blocks that have already been useful in the solution of other combinatorial problems as well.About the Speaker
Professor Atallah\'s current research interests are in information security (in particular, software security, secure protocols, and watermarking). He received a Presidential Young Investigator Award from the National Science Foundation in 1985. For more on Professor Atallah\'s accomplishments check out his entire biography