Stephen Elliott - Purdue University
Students: Spring 2025, unless noted otherwise, sessions will be virtual on Zoom.
An Introduction to Biometric Technologies
Aug 24, 2005

This lecture provides an introduction to biometrictechnologies. Various technologies will be examined, including iris,
face, voice, dynamic signature, fingerprint, and keystroke dynamics. An
overview of assessing performance, discussing implementations, as well
as system design will be covered.
About the Speaker
Dr. Elliott is involved in a number of activities relating to biometrics
and security. He is actively involved in biometric standards, acting as
Vice Chair of the International Committee for Information Technology
Standards, as Secretary of INCITS M1 Biometrics Standards committee, and
also Head of Delegation for the WG1 Vocabulary working group within the
ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC37 committee on Biometrics. Dr. Elliott has also given
numerous lectures on biometrics technologies, the latest conference
presentations specifically aimed at the banking industry. Dr. Elliott is
also involved in educational initiatives as they relate to biometric
technologies, where he is responsible for the Biometrics Standards,
Performance, and Assurance Laboratory, as well as two classes related to
biometric technologies. Dr. Elliott is also involved in educational
initiatives for the American National Standards Institute, is a member
of Purdue University\'s e-Enterprise, Learning, and CERIAS Centers.
and security. He is actively involved in biometric standards, acting as
Vice Chair of the International Committee for Information Technology
Standards, as Secretary of INCITS M1 Biometrics Standards committee, and
also Head of Delegation for the WG1 Vocabulary working group within the
ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC37 committee on Biometrics. Dr. Elliott has also given
numerous lectures on biometrics technologies, the latest conference
presentations specifically aimed at the banking industry. Dr. Elliott is
also involved in educational initiatives as they relate to biometric
technologies, where he is responsible for the Biometrics Standards,
Performance, and Assurance Laboratory, as well as two classes related to
biometric technologies. Dr. Elliott is also involved in educational
initiatives for the American National Standards Institute, is a member
of Purdue University\'s e-Enterprise, Learning, and CERIAS Centers.
Ways to Watch