The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Jim Casey - FBI

Students: Spring 2025, unless noted otherwise, sessions will be virtual on Zoom.

The FBI's Computer Crime Initiatives

Oct 23, 1998


SSA Casey's presentation will provide an overview of the FBI's computer crime initiatives. These initiatives cover a wide variety of investigative matters, including child pornography, industrial espionage, and terrorism, to name a few. One such initiative, known as InfraGard, approaches computer crime as an infrastructure threat. SSA Casey will discuss the development of InfraGard as a national program and its implementation in Indiana. SSA Casey will also discuss the FBI's computer forensics program, known as the Computer Analysis Response Team (CART). SSA Casey will devote a majority of his presentation to answering questions on InfraGard, CART, and other topics related to computer crime and the FBI.

About the Speaker

Jim Casey
Supervisory Special Agent James Casey has been with the Federal Bureau of Investigation for twelve years. He is currently the supervisor of the Indianapolis Division squad that handles all matters relating to foreign counterintelligence, economic espionage, and domestic and international terrorism. He was previously assigned to the Detroit Division and to FBI Headquarters where he was a program manager for International Terrorism. SSA Casey has previous experience as a diplomatic security official with the U.S. State Department and as a police officer in Arlington, Virginia. SSA Casey has a bachelor of science degree in political science from James Madison University in Virginia.

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