Bharat Bhargava - Purdue University
Students: Spring 2025, unless noted otherwise, sessions will be virtual on Zoom.
Data Warehousing
Nov 01, 2000
Abstract to be added later
About the Speaker

Professor Bhargava was the chairman of the IEEE Symposium on Reliable and Distributed Systems held at Purdue in October 1998. Professor Bhargava is on the editorial board of three international journals. In the 1988 IEEE Data Engineering Conference, he and John Riedl received the best paper award for their work on "A Model for Adaptable Systems for Transaction Processing." Professor Bhargava is a fellow of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers. He has been awarded the charter Gold Core Member distinction by IEEE Computer Society for his distinguished service. He received Outstanding Instructor Awards, from the Purdue chapter of the ACM in 1996 and 1998. He has received IEEE Technical Achievement award for his contributions to foundations of adaptability in communication and distributed systems in 1999.
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