The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Michael G. Fleming & Victor Maconachy - NSA

Students: Spring 2025, unless noted otherwise, sessions will be virtual on Zoom.

Information Assurance Challenges for the 21st Century

Apr 21, 2000

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In today's increasingly dependent and interdependent global information society, information assurance for systems is gaining tremendous importance. Individuals, governments, and societies are insisting on secure and safe communications environments. The solution to providing those assurances lies in the formation of partnerships between and among business, academia and government. Mr. Fleming will present an overview of a model for such partnerships, to include critical elements for the success of those joint ventures. Dr. Maconachy will briefly discuss the cognitive and social implications related to moving towards a global security-based enteprise.

About the Speaker

Michael G. Fleming & Victor Maconachy
Michael G. Fleming is Chief of the Information Assurance Solutions Group and has also served as Chief of the INFOSEC Customer Service and Engineering Group, Deputy Chief of Network Security Group, Chief of Network Security Systems Engineering Office, Chief of Network Security Products Office, as well as served in a variety of technical and program management positions in Communications Security and Signals Intelligence. He received his BS in Electrical Engineering from Purdue University, his MS in Administrative Science from Johns Hopkins University, and attended and graduated from the National War College.

Victor Maconachy currently serves as the program manager of the National INFOSEC Education and Training Program (NIETP) within the National Security Agency. He is implementing a multidimensional, interagency program which provides direct support and guidance to the services, major DoD components, Federal agencies and the greater national Information Infrastructure. This program fosters the development and implementation of INFOSEC training programs, as well as graduate and undergraduate education curricula. In this capacity he serves on several national level government working groups, as well as in an advisory capacity to several universities. In this position, Dr. Maconachy is the principal architect for several national INFOSEC training standards in the classified community. During April, 1999 Dr. Maconachy was appointed Co-chair of the Critical Information Coordination Committee for Personnel and Training. The Committee is implementing Presidential Decision Directive 63.

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