The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Carter Bullard - QoSient

Students: Spring 2025, unless noted otherwise, sessions will be virtual on Zoom.

Network Awareness and Predictive Cyber Analytics

Jul 29, 2020

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QoSient and a DHS independent SOC have been working together on an innovative pilot program called "Elimination of Unmonitored Space" (EUS) that strives to detect and respond to internal cyber threats through pervasive network sensing and sense-making in an enterprise network  Modeled after the NSA's Integrated Active Cyber Defense (IACD) architecture and the US DoD CENTAUR / Acropolis programs, the effort has developed a strategy for scalable development and deployment of new predictive cyber security analytics.

In this presentation, we will present our approach to developing comprehensive network sensing at the endpoint and how centralized / regionalized analytic systems can manage the data and analytics needed to develop operational site-specific predictive analytics.  We believe that the shift to remote computing will push the need for awareness and predictive analytics at the endpoint and a new approach for cyber defense.

About the Speaker

Carter Bullard

Carter is a recognized expert in cyber security and leader in the development of network security technology and practices for over 35 years.   His professional experience includes: 1) research and development in cyber security at US National Laboratories, Federally Funded Research and Development Centers, and the telecommunications industry, 2) managing security products and services development at leading network vendors, FORE Systems, Bay Networks and Nortel, 3) leading network security standards for the ITU, ATM Forum and IETF, and 4) providing cyber security consulting to the NSA, DHS, US DoD, NSF and the FBI.


Carter is the inventor of "netflow" and is a recognized Subject Matter Expert in network cyber security, active cyber defense, situational awareness, network measurement and monitoring analytics for cyber security and security control assurance.  Carter holds a BS and MS in Pharmacology from The University of Georgia and has held Faculty Research Scientist positions at Carnegie Mellon University, and the Georgia Institute of Technology.

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