Sanjay Madria - Missouri University of Science and Technology
Students: Spring 2025, unless noted otherwise, sessions will be virtual on Zoom.
Secure Information Forwarding through Fragmentation in Delay- tolerant Networks
Jan 23, 2019

In application environments like international military coalitions or multi-party relief work in a disaster zone, passing secure messages using a Delay Tolerant Network (DTN) is challenging because the existing public-private key cryptographic approaches may not be always accessible across different groups due to the unavailability of Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). In addition, connectivity may be intermittent so finding reliable routes is also difficult. Thus, instead of sending a complete message in a single packet, fragmenting the message, and sending the fragments via multiple nodes can help achieve better security and reliability when multiple groups are involved. Therefore, encrypting messages before fragmentation and then sending both the data fragments and the key fragments (needed for decryption) provide much higher security. Keys are also fragmented as sending the key in a single packet can hamper security if it is forwarded to some corrupt nodes who may try to tamper or drop it. In this talk, I will discuss a scheme to provide improved security by generating multiple key-shares and data fragments, and disseminating them via some intermediate nodes. In this fragmentation process, we also create a few redundant blocks to guarantee higher data arrival rate at the destination when the message drop rate is high like in a DTN environment. The performance evaluation when compared to the closely related scheme like Multiparty Encryption shows the improvement on minimizing the number of compromised messages as well as reduced bandwidth consumption in the network.About the Speaker
SanjayKMadriaisaCurators'DistinguishedProfessorintheDepartmentofComputer Science at the Missouri University of Science and Technology (formerly, University of Missouri- Rolla, USA). He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India in 1995. He has published over 250 Journal and conference papers in the areas of mobile and sensor computing, cloud and cyber security. He won five IEEE best papers awards in conferences such as IEEE MDM 2011, IEEE MDM 2012 and IEEE SRDS 2015. He is a co-author of a recent book on Secure Sensor Cloud published by Morgan and Claypool in Dec. 2018. He has served/serving in International conferences as a general co-chair, pc co-chair, and steering committee members, and presented tutorials/talks in the areas of secure sensor cloud, cloud computing, etc. NSF, NIST, ARL, ARO, AFRL, DOE, Boeing, ORNL, Honeywell, etc. have funded his research projects. He has been awarded JSPS (Japanese Society for Promotion of Science) invitational visiting scientist fellowship in 2006 and ASEE (American Society of Engineering Education) fellowship from 2008 to 2018. In 2012 and in 2018, he was awarded NRC Fellowship by National Academies. He has received research faculty excellence awards six times from his university. He is ACM Distinguished Scientist, and served/serving as an ACM and IEEE Distinguished Speaker, and is an IEEE Senior Member as well as IEEE Golden Core Awardee.
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