David Ebert - Purdue University
Students: Spring 2025, unless noted otherwise, sessions will be virtual on Zoom.
Trustable Information for Security Applications: Visual Analytics for Reliable, Effective Decision Making
Feb 06, 2019

Information, not just data, is key to today's security challenges. To solve these security challenges requires not only advancing computer science and big data analytics but requires new analysis and decision-making environments that enable reliable, decisions from trustable, understandable information. These environments are successful when they effectively couple human decision making with advanced, guided analytics in human-computer collaborative discourse and decision making (HCCD). Our HCCD approach builds upon visual analytics, traceable information, and human-guided analytics and machine learning and focuses on empowering the decision maker through interactive visual analytic environments where non-digital human expertise and experience can be combined with state-of-the-art and transparent analytical techniques. When we combine this approach with real-world application-driven research, not only does the pace of scientific innovation accelerate, but impactful change occurs. I'll describe how we have applied these techniques to homeland and community security, resiliency,public safety and disaster management.About the Speaker
David Ebert is the Silicon Valley Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Purdue University, a Fellow of the IEEE, interim director of the Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security, and director of the Visual Analytics for Command Control and Interoperability Center (VACCINE), the Visualization Science team of the Department of Homeland Security's Command Control and Interoperability Center of Excellence. Ebert performs research in visual analytics, volume rendering, illustrative visualization, and procedural abstraction of complex, massive data. He is the recipient of the 2017 IEEE Computer Society vgTC Technical Achievement Award for seminal contributions in visual analytics. He has been very active in the visualization community, serving as Editor in Chief of IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, serving as IEEE Computer Society Vice President and the IEEE Computer Society's VP of Publications, and successfully managing a large program of external funding to develop more effective methods for visually communicating information.
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