The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Stephen Dill - Lockheed Martin

Students: Spring 2025, unless noted otherwise, sessions will be virtual on Zoom.

The role of System Security Engineering in the engineering lifecycle

Apr 21, 2010

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This seminar will provide an overview of how Information Security (AKA Cyber Security, AKA INFOSEC) engineering, requirements analysis and security policies and other activities fit into the overall life cycle of an IT system. We will define an INFOSEC systems engineering methodology using industry best practices and we will define the major steps or key activities in that systems engineering methodology. We will also discuss what the role of Information Systems Security Engineering and the Systems Security Engineers should be in the Life Cycle processes.

About the Speaker

Mr. Dill has been working in information security for 35 years, primarily in IT and communications systems architecture & design and operations & maintenance. Currently he is the CyberSecurity Solution Family Chief Architect, responsible for the coordination and execution of Cyber Security Research and Development within IS&GS and managing contracted R&D with other businesses and at universities. He has been with Lockheed Martin since 1991. In the past Mr. Dill led R&D projects in cross-domain information sharing, multilevel security, Information Assurance management systems, data provenance, identity management and intrusion detection and atmospheric sounding. Other work experiences include IT over satellite comms systems architecture and program management, IA training and career development, C2 program management for the White House Communications Agency, Communications-Electronics Repair Activity Management, DSCS Satellite Terminal Station Chief, and Avionics and Armament Repair Management. Mr. Dill holds a BS in Biology/Botany from Bucknell University, a MS in Telecommunications Management from the University of Maryland and received his initial training in Information Security courtesy of the US Army.

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