John Richardson - Intel Corporation
Students: Spring 2025, unless noted otherwise, sessions will be virtual on Zoom.
Evolving the Internet
Sep 20, 2000

What's wrong with today's Internet? If TCP/IP has won, what's left to be done? In truth, we've only just begun ... to understand the how the Internet is evolving, the impact of our staggering demand for information, and how a whole set revolutionary technologies will change the Internet's foundation. This talk skims the waves - it highlights some of the key changes on the horizon and explains why they will be important. Some key trends we'll touch on include: overlay networks like voice-over-IP, media overlays, and security overlays; quality-of-service and how to manage it; peer-to-peer networking - what's driving it and how it may change the Internet completely; and security protocols - how they're being used and why they're not everywhere. This will be a technical talk, focused on how things work and why these trends are interesting. Don't expect to walk away with a new set of tools, but do expect to come away with a better understanding of how things work and a some new ideas about some emerging technologies that may just change everything.About the Speaker
Mr. Richardson is the Director of the Trusted Networking Architecture group at Intel Corporation. His organization explores and develops advanced technology for security and network services for the Internet. Since joining Intel in 1992, Mr. Richardson has been responsible for various communication technologies, including an active role in Intel\'s early Internet activities, and an architectural role in Intel\'s cable and other broadband technology efforts. Prior to his tenure with Intel, Mr. Richardson worked in development of database management tools and at Bell Laboratories on UNIX operating system development. Mr. Richardson holds a BS in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from MIT and an MS in Computer Science from Northwestern University.
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