The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Phil Loranger - United States Army

Students: Spring 2025, unless noted otherwise, sessions will be virtual on Zoom.

Information Assurance: The Army's Perspective

Apr 14, 2000


Defending the Army's information systems and infrastructure requires flexibility and adaptability unheard of industry. The Army is required to protect a vast system of systems ranging from an office-based environment to remote networks located in areas of conflict that must move at a moment's notice.

This talk will present how the Army has developed a comprehensive defense in depth strategy to protect the Army's portion of the Defense Information infrastructure. The Army's plan is based on using Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) software to detect, react, and neutralize intrusions into Army networks. The Army is also developing means, through the use of biometrics, to enhance personal security access to its networks.

About the Speaker

Phil Loranger
Mr. Loranger is the Army DISC4 Command and Control Protect division chief for the development of the Army

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