Victor Raskin - Purdue University
Students: Spring 2025, unless noted otherwise, sessions will be virtual on Zoom.
Ontology for Information Assurance and Security
Feb 06, 2002
The paper introduces and advocates an ontological semantic approach to information security. Both the approach and its resources, the ontology and lexicons, are borrowed from the field of natural language processing and adjusted to the needs of the new domain. The approach pursues the ultimate dual goals of inclusion of natural language data sources as an integral part of the overall data sources in information security applications, and formal specification of the information security community know-how for the support of routine and time-efficient measures to prevent and counteract computer attacks. As the first order of the day, the approach is seen by the information security community as a powerful means to organize and unify terminology and nomenclature of the field.About the Speaker
Victor Raskin is Professor of Linguistics and Coordinator, Natural Language Processing Laboratory, at Purdue. He is also Charter Member, Internal Advisory Board, CERIAS. Together with Professor Mikhail Atallah, he has pioneered research on the interface of natural language processing and information security. For more on Professor Raskin\'s accomplishments check out his entire biography and CV
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