The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Mason Rice - Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Students: Spring 2025, unless noted otherwise, sessions will be virtual on Zoom.

Adversarial C2 inside OT Networks

Nov 20, 2024

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This presentation outlines adversarial command and control attacks in OT networks.  Focusing on the electrical grid, this presentation highlights current gaps in critical infrastructure protection research.  After discussing real-world examples, a fictional electrical grid is used to explore cyber-physical threats and mitigations to OT systems.

About the Speaker

Mason Rice
Dr. Mason Rice is the director of the Cyber Resilience and Intelligence Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. In this role, he is responsible for an R&D portfolio focused on advanced intelligent systems and resilient cyber-physical systems, including research into (1) AI for national security, (2) cybersecurity for critical systems, (3) machine-augmented intelligence, (4) vulnerability science, and (5) identity science.

Following retirement from the Army, Dr. Rice joined ORNL in 2017 as the Cyber-Physical R&D Manager and was soon appointed as the first Group Leader for Resilient Cyber-Physical Systems at ORNL. He ultimately grew the group into four focused research groups, at which point he was selected to be the first Section Head of the new Resilient Cyber-Physical Systems Section.

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