Krishna Kavi - University of North Texas
Students: Spring 2025, unless noted otherwise, sessions will be virtual on Zoom.
Hardware Cybersecurity Attacks and Some Solutions
Apr 03, 2019

Recent reports on how side-channel attacks can be used to obtain secret information stored in Cache memories and how current processors that rely on speculative execution of code aids in these side-channel attacks have caught the attention of everyone. Names such as Spectre and Meltdown describe how a well-resourced attacker can discover secret information such as passwords and cyber keys. Since these attacks are applicable most to current processors, made by Intel, AMD and ARM; almost all computing devices (servers, desktops, laptops, cell phones) are vulnerable to such attaches.Several software and some hardware solutions have been suggested and deployed by major vendors; however, most solutions incur performance penalties. In this talk, I will provide an introduction to the architectural features that expose processors to side-channel attacks. I will present some available solutions as well some of our own ideas.
I will briefly discuss other research on Cybersecurity at UNT
About the Speaker
Dr. Krishna Kavi is currently a Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of North Texas and the Director of the NSF Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Net-Centric and Cloud Software and Systems (NCSS I/UCRC). The center includes more than 20 industrial members and 4 academic institutions. During 2001-2009, he served as the Chair of CSE department at UNT. Prior to joining UNT, he held an Endowed Chair Professorship in Computer Engineering at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, and served on the faculty of the University Texas at Arlington. He was a NSF program manager between 1993-1995. He served on several editorial boards and program committees. He published nearly 200 technical papers, received more than $9M in extramural funding and graduated 15 PhDs and more than 40 MS students. He received his BS in Electrical from the Indian Institute of Science and PhD from Southern Methodist University.
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